Drive Bender supports folder level file duplication. Duplication is the replication of files across the pool. This means that if you copy a file to a folder flagged for duplication, it is automatically duplicated to another drive in the pool. Folder level duplication allows you to specify which individual folders will be duplicated. The duplication setting on a folder is cascading, so when creating a folder, if its parent folder is marked for duplication, it will also be marked for duplication. This also applies when creating a mount point, if the duplication option is selected, all folders created under that mount point will retain this duplication setting.
To enable or disable duplication on a folder, select the folder and select the desired option. Drive Bender will automatically display the appropriate options based on what has been selected.
You are able to validate the duplication on a folder by selecting the folder, and then selecting “Validate duplication”. This will instruct Drive Bender to perform validation of all files within the folder (you will see this event appear in the log messages). Validation is performed by checking the duplicate file against the primary file. This is done using either the file size and the time date stamp, or a physical CRC comparison (option need to be enabled via the settings).
In addition there are a number of tools that can be used to check the status of primary and duplicated file.
- Normal view: This displays the default view of the file in the tree view.
- Search for non-duplicated folders: This will perform a search for all folders not flagged for duplicate.
- Search for duplicated folders: This will perform a search for all folders flagged for duplicate.
- Search for primary files that have missing duplicate files: This will search for all primary files that do not have a matching duplicate file (only under folders marked for duplication).
- Search for duplicate files that have missing primary files: This will search for all duplicate files that do not have a matching primary file (only under folders marked for duplication). Files in this state (orphaned duplicates) are not visible via the pool, and can only be found using this method. To recover files in this start, use the pool "Repair" option.
Important – Drive Bender may be performing operation on the pool that could render this view out of date. To refresh the view, select “Refresh the selected folder”.